Entrance Contribution
Please collect your personal entrance card for a contribution of ETB 2,000. You are encouraged to book your own table (10 entrance cards) for your contribution of ETB 20,000. With only few seats remaining, the time to book your seats in now. AEA counts on your contribution.
For more information please contact us at 0930-003810 or
0944-138928 or register on this website and leave as your contact.
For your preferred contribution use
Association of Ethiopian Architects
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Account number
Please deposit through this account and make sure to use the name you would like the receipt to be issued for (either your company or individual name).
Then send us the picture of the bank deposit slip on ethiopianarchitectsassociation@gmail.com. We will forward you your receipt via your email and you can collect your entrance ticket from our head office at
Bole sub city
Worde 03
TK building 1st floor